
Venclexta - (10,50,100 mg; Tablet, Oral)

Venetoclax Abbvie
10,50,100 mg; Tablet, Oral
More Than $1000 mn
Less Than 5
Less Than 5
More Than 5
None None
VENCLEXTA is a BCL-2 inhibitor indicated for the treatment of patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) with 17p deletion, as detected by an FDA approved test, who have received at least one prior therapy. This indication is approved under accelerated approval based on overall response rate
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Venclexta Patent 1 Patent 2 Patent 3 Patent 4 Patent 5 Patent 6 Patent 7 Patent 8 Patent 9 Patent 10 Patent 11
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Company FTF Status / 180 days exclusivity 30-Months stay Current Litigation Status Current Approval Status Likelihood of launch
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  13. *** **, **** : ****** *** ** ****** ******* ********** **** ************ ** ****** **. '***, '***, '*** *** '***. ** ****** ****** ************ ** *** * *******.

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