
Myoview 30 mL - (1.38 mg/vial ; Intravenous Injection)

Technetium TC-99M Tetrofosmin Kit GE Healthcare
1.38 mg/vial ; Intravenous Injection
Less Than $1000 mn
None None
None None
None None
MYOVIEW is a kit for the preparation of technetium Tc99m tetrofosmin for injection. Technetium Tc99m tetrofosmin injection is a radioactive diagnostic agent indicated for the following: * Myocardial perfusion imaging under rest and/or exercise or pharmacologic stress conditions to delineate regions of reversible myocardial ischemia or infarcted myocardium in patients with known or suspected coronary artery disease, * Assessment of left ventricular function (left ventricular ejection fraction and wall motion) in patients with known or suspected heart disease.
Myoview 30 mL Patent 1
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