
Oriahnn (copackaged) - (300 mg, 1mg, and 0.5mg; 300 mg. Capsule, Oral)

Elagolix sodium, estradiol and norethindrone acetate; Elagolix sodium Abbvie
300 mg, 1mg, and 0.5mg; 300 mg. Capsule, Oral
Less Than $1000 mn
Less Than 5
Less Than 5
None None
None None
ORIAHNN is a combination of elagolix, a gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) receptor antagonist, estradiol, an estrogen, and norethindrone acetate, a progestin, indicated for the management of heavy menstrual bleeding associated with uterine leiomyomas (fibroids) in premenopausal women.
*** *********** ** *** ******* ******* ** *** ****. **** *** *** ***** ******* ** ** *********, ** ** ****** **** *** *** ***.
Oriahnn (copackaged) Patent 1 Patent 2 Patent 3 Patent 4 Patent 5 Patent 6 Patent 7
**** *** ********* *** ********* ******* ***** ******** ************ ******* ***** ******** ************ *** ********* ******* ***** ******** ************ ******* (***** ******)
Company FTF Status / 180 days exclusivity 30-Months stay Current Litigation Status Current Approval Status Likelihood of launch
**** *** \ ********* *** **, **** ******* ***** ******** ************ **** ******* *** **** *** *** ****
  1. *** *, **** : * ****-** ** ***** *** ***** ** *** *** *******.
  2. *** **, **** : **** ******** ****** ** *** ****-** ****** **** ******* '*** *** '***.
  3. *** *, **** : ****** **** **** **** ************ ** ******* '*** *** '***.
  4. *** **, **** : ****** ***** ******* **** ******* **** **** ************ ** ****** '***
  5. *** *, **** : ****** ***** ******* **** ******* **** **** ************ ** ***** ****** ****** '***.
  6. *** **, **** : ****** *** **** ******* ******* *** ********* ********** **** ************ ** ***** ****** ****** '***.
  7. *** *, **** : ****** *** **** **** ******* ********** **** ************ ** ****** ** '***, '*** *** '***. **** ****** ************ ** *** ***** *******.

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