
SULFADIAZINE (nda004054)- (500MG)

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SULFADIAZINE Tablets, USP are indicated in the following conditions: *Chancroid *Trachoma *Inclusion conjunctivitis *Nocardiosis *Urinary tract infections (primarily pyelonephritis, pyelitis and cystitis) in the absence of obstructive uropathy or foreign bodies, when these infections are caused by susceptible strains of the following organisms: Escherichia coli, Klebsiella species, Enterobacter species, Staphylococcus aureus, Proteus mirabilis and P. vulgaris. Sulfadiazine should be used for urinary tract infections only after use of more soluble sulfonamides has been unsuccessful. *Toxoplasmosis encephalitis in patients with and without acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, as adjunctive therapy with pyrimethamine. *Malaria due to chloroquine-resistant strains of Plasmodium falciparum, when used as adjunctive therapy. *Prophylaxis of meningococcal meningitis when sulfonamide-sensitive group A strains are known to prevail in family groups or larger closed populations (the prophylactic usefulness of sulfonamides when group B or C infections are prevalent is not proved and may be harmful in closed population groups). *Meningococcal meningitis, when the organism has been demonstrated to be susceptible. *Acute otitis media due to Haemophilus influenzae, when used concomitantly with adequate doses of penicillin. *Prophylaxis against recurrences of rheumatic fever, as an alternative to penicillin. *H. influenzae meningitis, as adjunctive therapy with parental streptomycin.
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Total Other Developers 5
Drugs with Suitability No
500MG ** ** - - -
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