
PHENERGAN (nda007935)- (12.5MG,25MG,50MG)

No No
Expired Expired
None None
None No
Phenergan, either orally or by suppository, is useful for: Perennial and seasonal allergic rhinitis. Vasomotor rhinitis. Allergic conjunctivitis due to inhalant allergens and foods. Mild, uncomplicated allergic skin manifestations of urticaria and angioedema. Amelioration of allergic reactions to blood or plasma. Dermographism. Anaphylactic reactions, as adjunctive therapy to epinephrine and other standard measures, after the acute manifestations have been controlled. Preoperative, postoperative, or obstetric sedation. Prevention and control of nausea and vomiting associated with certain types of anesthesia and surgery. Therapy adjunctive to meperidine or other analgesics for control of post-operative pain. Sedation in both children and adults, as well as relief of apprehension and production of light sleep from which the patient can be easily aroused. Active and prophylactic treatment of motion sickness. Antiemetic therapy in postoperative patients.
11 0 7
Total Other Developers None
Drugs with Suitability No
12.5MG ** ** - - 2
25MG ** ** - - 4
50MG ** ** - 4 -
NDA Sales Available Total Generic Sales Available
No 6
ANDA No Generic Co Manufacturer Name Operations Manufacturer Address Country
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